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How to prepare for a Christmas due date

How to prepare for a Christmas due date
Tilly Doody-Henshaw
Writer and expert6 years ago
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Finding out you've got a Christmas due date is both wonderful and a little stressful, to say the least. The festive season is sure to be jam-packed with family gatherings, tinsel overload and an abundance of things you ideally shouldn’t be doing whilst pregnant – but what better present could you ask for than your baby?

Whether you’re due on the 25th or in the weeks leading up to it, keep in mind that only five per cent of women go into labour on their actual due date. But with careful planning and preparation, you can help make sure things run as smoothly as possible on the big day!

Take it easy!

First things first mama – this Christmas is not going to be like any other. You need to put yourself first, so if that means all the shopping is done from the comfort of your sofa whilst in PJ’s eating ice cream, then that’s completely fine!

Make lists for everyone you need to buy for and stick to it. In some ways, online shopping makes this easier as you’re not tempted to pick things up as you aimlessly trail around shop after shop. Do your food shopping online too! Trust us, your feet will thank you for it.


If your mum invites you round for Christmas dinner, accept. If your partner volunteers to go and pick up the kids from their 78th rehearsal of the nativity play, accept. Basically, when help is offered, take it, and don’t be afraid to ask for it! The holiday season is mad enough without a baby-on-board, so make friends and family become your helpful little elves.

Ditch the mama guilt

This means prioritising what's important and making the most of having a Christmas baby. You may end with a pile of dirty washing or minimal Christmas gift wrapping but treasure this special time and accept that no one's going judge you for that.

Keep in touch with your team

Try not to worry about the technicalities of giving birth over Christmas. Hospitals are fully staffed 24/7, with fewer planned procedures booked in to make sure staff can completely focus on mama’s-to-be in labour. If you’re anxious about winter weather causing problems, speak to your team for advice. And make sure you’ve packed your hospital essentials in advance!

Make the most of it!

A festive baby will make your Christmas even more magical, so enjoy it! Get into the festive spirit and take some time to visit the Christmas markets (preferably before they get too busy!), or watch all those Christmas film you’ve been meaning to watch for the past ten years.

Whatever happens, congratulations and have a happy and healthy Christmas from all of us at Mama Mio HQ.

The Best Gifts For Mama


Tilly Doody-Henshaw
Writer and expert
View Tilly Doody-Henshaw's profile