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How to: Christmas Shopping When Pregnant

How to: Christmas Shopping When Pregnant
Writer and expert5 years ago
View beeversj's profile

Christmas is one of the most beautiful times of the year, gorgeous frosty weather, time off with family, amazing food. What isn’t always amazing however is Christmas shopping. Busy, overwhelming and just generally stressful, add pregnant to the mix and you could have yourself a nightmare. We’ve put together our top tips to make buying your loved ones presents as easy as possible this Christmas.

Plan ahead

No matter how much you plan in advance Christmas Shopping is going to be a little stressful. Help put a stop to some of that panic by planning ahead. Make a list of the gifts you want to buy, have a rough idea of where they’re from and give yourself a budget. There’s nothing worse than aimlessly wandering around a busy shopping centre especially when pregnancy already has you tired and weary.

Shop Smart

As the festive season gets nearer and nearer shopping malls tend to get busier and busier. Squeezing between other busy shoppers is hard enough but when you’re heavily pregnant squeezing anywhere is pretty much impossible! Try to shop early on in the week for the most peace, or if you have to shop at a weekend get there early morning to get in and out before the rush. Bring a friend or a partner to carry your bags (you’re already carrying a baby!) and take frequent breaks. Have a little catch up over a piece of cake and make this experience fun rather than a chore.

Be prepared

Wandering from shop to shop is exhausting for anyone but when you’re pregnant chances are you already have swollen legs and sore feet without all that traipsing around.  Have our Mama Mio Lucky Legs on hand for instant relief, the cooling and soothing effects will help take a load off your feet after a long hard day of shopping. Our Pregnancy Essentials and Pregnancy Saviours Kits miniatures are perfect for throwing in your handbag for instant relief on the go.

Shop Online

Convenient, easy and delivered to your door online shopping can be your saving grace this festive season. When Christmas shopping all gets a bit much give your weary legs and achy back a break, make yourself a cuppa and spend a few hours browsing your favourite shops online to save yourself the stress.

Catch up for Christmas

How to prepare for a Christmas due date  / Christmas Mocktails
Writer and expert
View beeversj's profile