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Q&A with Mama-To-Be: Eleanore

Q&A with Mama-To-Be: Eleanore
Elizabeth Thomsen
Writer and expert3 years ago
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With Mother's Day just around the corner, Mama Mio wanted to highlight some of our amazing real-life Mamas. We had the chance to chat with Eleanore, a first-time Mama-to-Be living with her husband in San Francisco. We spoke to her about her pregnancy journey so far and her experience being pregnant. Here is what she had to say:


What is your current trimester?

As of May 3rd, 2021, I am currently entering my third trimester at 28 weeks.

What have been some of your challenges you faced during your pregnancy?

Until you become pregnant, pregnancy is a subject that is known, but not often talked about in detail. Then you start researching and learning online even before you see your OBGYN. The biggest challenge for me was the first trimester. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, we weren't able to share the news with anyone. My body and my mind were not prepared to go through the physical and emotional changes without much support from anyone besides my husband. One of the biggest challenges most pregnant women go through is fatigue and nausea, a.k.a morning sickness, during the first trimester. The closest comparison I can share would be the discomfort of nursing a hangover. There is a constant need to throw up throughout the day, but also the desire to lay down and sleep. I am a big foodie so to be turned off by food was a big disappointment for me. On top all the physical discomfort , I was also going through emotional changes from hormones. As I could not share the experience with anyone but strangers online, I did feel lonely from time to time. 

What excited you most about motherhood?

I am most excited to meet my baby boy! As he grows inside my belly, I feel so much of his movements and heartbeats. Everyday beyond the point I started feeling him, I was so curious to meet him. Beyond that, I am excited for him to meet everyone else, who have also been anxiously waiting to meet baby Tuka-Ye. I am a social person so I love sharing my life experiences with those who are close to me and he will be a big one.

What did the father of the baby, family and friends say when they learned you were pregnant?

My husband and I found out that we were pregnant at the same exact moment as we went through waiting on multiple pregnancy tests to make sure.  We weren’t exactly planning but we weren’t exactly not planning, as in, we were inactively trying. When it was confirmed that I was pregnant, he and I were both spiritually and emotionally excited that our lives were going to change from this moment on. After three months, we finally shared the news with our family and friends. Everyone was ecstatic and so excited for us. Plus, it was a weight off our chest to finally share the news.  My mother screamed while my father smiled. His mother smiled while his father grinned from cheek to cheek.  After the news settled in, we started receiving care packages and cards from friends and family since we live so far away. At last, I no longer felt alone in my pregnancy.

What has been the best advice you've received on raising your new baby?

Nowadays, we live in an age where we can access anyone’s opinion from anywhere in the world. This means you will get both solicited and unsolicited advice as a new mom. With that being said, the best advice that I have received is that every parent is trying their best and no method of raising a child is the wrong one. Love comes in many different shapes and forms and that translates to different child raising experiences. Parenting is about trial and error so if you tried and things did not go as planned, you learn and adapt to new ways.

Photo Courtesy of Eleanore


At what age of your child are you most looking forward to? What age are you most looking forward to your child being?

To be honest, I am waiting to get over the newborn hump of learning to keep a baby alive and skipping ahead to month 3 (and beyond!) where I can finally get the hang of the basics, hopefully. Additionally, those months are usually when babies start to fill out their cheeks...I love chubby cheeks. It is also when they start to develop their own personalities! 

How are you planning to celebrate this Mother’s Day?

I will definitely be reaching out to moms I know to wish them a happy Mother’s Day. Now that I am pregnant, there is unspeakable gratitude and respect I have for all moms. I wish I could say that I will be attending a Mother’s Day celebration, but unfortunately I will be staying in due to the pandemic. However, living in San Francisco, perhaps I will enjoy a day at any of our beautiful parks!

What is your favorite Mama Mio product?

I was fortunate enough to receive a Mama Mio set as one of the care packages from my best friend. I have been using it throughout the second trimester and have been loving the Tummy Rub Butter, Pregnancy Boob Tube, Lucky Legs Cooling Gel, and Shower Milk. However, my favorite is the Tummy Rub Butter. It is so hydrating to apply and not greasy to touch. The area of concern for most moms are tummy stretch marks and itchiness on the belly so this is a much needed product.  Additionally, I would say that the most unique item in the set is the Lucky Legs Cooling Gel because of the cooling effect it has on the skin. A little tip for other Mamas is to make sure not to apply too close to the private areas or it can sting! 



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Elizabeth Thomsen
Writer and expert
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